
Differentiating intramedullary spinal cord lesions

Due to the challenging nature of diagnosing intramedullary spinal cord abnormalities, magnetic resonance imaging is becoming the modality of choice for diagnosis and preoperative assessment of patients with spinal cord abnormalities. This article provides a systematic...

Convolutional neural networks

Convolutional neural network (CNN) is a class of deep learning methods dominant in various computer vision tasks and is attracting interest across a variety of domains, including radiology. This review article offers a perspective on the basic concepts of CNN and its...

Evaluation of the solitary pulmonary nodule

This pictorial review gives an overview of morphological features of solitary pulmonary nodules. Furthermore it highlights the importance of morphology for the early detection and diagnosis of malignancies.

Management of perianal Crohn’s disease

Perianal fistulas are a major problem in many patients with Crohn’s disease. The authors of this review discuss the role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging as the method of choice to evaluate perianal fistulas, as well as its importance in the assessment of the response to treatment.